HISTOIRE DE SUEDE, by Mr. le Baron de Pufendorff.

HISTOIRE DE SUEDE, Avant et Depuis la Fondation de la Monarchie. Plus correcte que les précédents, & continuée jus qu’ à l’année 1730.

Amsterdam: Zacharie Chatelain. Three volumes, 12mo., pp.xxxvi,404;xxii,453;xxiv,400,(xx)Index, full calf with contrasting labels to spines, decorative gilding to spines, all edges red, dutch floral endpapers, engraved frontispieces; from the library of Kenneth Monkman, with discreet bookplate to upper corner of front paste-down endpapers, small ownership inkstamp to title of vols. I and III, and to prelim blank, vol. II, small worm holes to lower joint and to upper compartment of spine, vol. III (the holes are to the leather only: text is not affected), an attractive and very good set.

Book ID: 26321
Categories: HISTORY
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